Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Building [and Working Towards] a New Vision

This picture really captures the effort our school, and many others, is making in transitioning towards 21st century resourcing:

We are making efforts to acquire resources that will expose our students to opportunities and experiences more relevant to their world. Acquisition is the first part and often the easiest. Several other key parts to this process have to be in place to make sure that the resources are being utilized effectively by students:
  • Training - Making sure all personnel involved in the process have training in use is important. Making sure everyone has expert-level knowledge should never be a goal, but teachers need a basic understanding to help with implementation.
  • Developing a Plan - Being able to articulate the goals/objectives and desired outcomes of a project and group helps all stakeholders involved know the importance and direction of the initiative.
Specific to this, West Middle School is fortunate to have a committed media specialist who has worked diligently to get our Nooks loaded and available. We've talked about using our Literacy Committee to help develop the plan for implementation. We are excited about this initiative!

This is one step in providing great, relevant experiences for our students. Training and planning help bring it to realization.

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Thanks for the posts